Centre for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation
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University of Embu

Dr Anne is a lecturer in the Department of Biological Sciences, School of Pure and Applied Sciences, University of Embu, Kenya. She is a Newton International Fellow in the Department of International Development at the University of Birmingham. Her research focuses on the implications of project requirements on voluntary carbon offset projects. Her research interests include natural resources governance, co-management of forest resources, forest policy and laws, and ecology and conservation of natural and managed ecosystems. Anne, with colleagues, has carried out research work focusing on environmental justice in carbon offset projects; community-based monitoring of deforestation using real-time technology in Kenya; achieving multi-level, integrated governance of coastal ecosystems in Kenya; forest policies and their implications on mangrove forests.

PhD Biology of Conservation, University of Embu, 2021 MSc Biology of Conservation, University of Nairobi, 2011 B. ED. (Hons): Botany and Zoology, Kenyatta University, 2007

i. Huxham, M., Kairu, A., Lang’at, J. K., Kivugo, R., Mwafrica, M., Huff, A., & Shilland, R. (2023). Rawls in the mangrove: Perceptions of justice in nature‐based solutions projects. People and Nature, 5(5), 1497-1511.
ii. Kairu, A., Kotut, K. Mbeche, R., and Kairo, J. (2021). Participatory Forestry Improves Mangrove Forest Management in Kenya. International forestry review. 23 (1), 41-54.
iii. Kairu, A., Upton, C., Huxham, M., Kotut, K., Mbeche, R., & Kairo, J. (2017). From shiny shoes to muddy reality: understanding how meso-state actors negotiate the implementation gap in participatory forest management. Society & Natural Resources, 31(1), 74-88.